I’ve been wanting to share this product on the blog for a while, and hadn’t gotten around to taking the pictures for you too see. This is my favorite brand of over the counter hair care. I had been searching for a fairly priced shapoo for a while. I asked one of my best friends, a hair expert about the best shampoo/and conditioner on a budget. She totally recommended the L’ORÉAL EVER line of products. My friend Sylza knows hair! After all I let her cut my hair since we were in highschool, and she’s been a licensed cosmotologist for about ten years now. 
🔸The shapoo lathers incredibly well!
🔸The conditioner leaves my hair feeling silky smooth! 
🔸Best part about it-SULFATE FREE. 
🔸Great price-It is incredible, at about $6.00 a bottle at Target.

 I feel so confident about this product, that I even recommended it to perfect strangers while shopping at Target. A mother and daughter in the shampoo isle appeared to be having a hard time choosing a product. I heard the mom tell the daughter, “Just buy a baby shampoo!” I felt I had to say something, and suggested she try The EVER line. They thanked me, and I felt like I had done a good beauty deed, haha. These are a must try, trust me! You will not regret it. 


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This best-selling women's rancher hat has a brim and crown trimmed with tonal grosgrain ribbon and a slightly curled up brim.