Wow 2016 came and went! I have to say that looking on the bright side of things made me stay strong and accomplish a few things this year. It was a hard year for me with difficult close family loses. I prefer to live in the present, and try my hardest to enjoy every moment of every day. I only speak about any difficulties in my life once I have moved past them and can share something that can help others in some way. Helping others is what drives me or motivates me on the daily. Connecting with the world is an amazing thing that I’ve gotten a chance to experience through blogging. Not many people get it and that’s okay. For those of us that do, it’s so much fun right?
Fun Fact: I wear sunglasses all the time because bright light bothers me, and I squint so much in pics if I don’t. Exhibit A: Trying so hard not to squint in the picture above. :))
One thing that I have to say is THANK YOU, for those that visit frequently and follow along, some of you even a few years now. Thank you for helping me grow in more ways than you will ever know. I learn and enjoy visiting your blogs so much. It is these online relationships that put a little pep in my step when I’m feeling low and don’t want to cry to one of my close friends about it. I love every minute I spend creating content for my blog to share with you all. Connecting with people all around the world is just amazing to me! It really is. Thank you all. My wishes for the new year is that we all continue to grow and support each other by sharing what ever it is that inspires us! Cheers to a new year full of hope and new adventures.
Love Always,