It’s always good to be a kid at heart. As adults we forget what it’s like to see, and learn things for the first time. We find ourselves as parents, educators, or family, getting frustrated at kids for not getting it right the first few times they try to do something. Give a kid a break, have you ever thought of how long it took you to learn something? The answer most likely will be, years and years of practice. To truly master a skill takes a lot of practice. So remember that the next you get frustrated at a kid for not doing something right, or just not remembering how; even if they have done it a few times before. Staying mindful of a child’s learning is a challenge, but one that will pay off as they grow confident in their abilities to accomplish new things. As a parent, it is something that I have to remind myself of constantly. Even though as you can see from this picture with my cousin Joanna, I still know how to be a kid at heart.