In this fast pace, technologically advanced world that we live in, it is hard finding a balance between giving your child freedom, and giving them boundaries. As a parent to a teenage boy, I have learned two very important things that you can do for your child that will help him or her be more aware in making good choices in life. Tell him or her before they are embarking on a new adventure with friends, or any time that they will be away from you for sometime, to “make good choices”. Yes, that is it, telling them. This very thing will be engrained in their heads as they grow up, and will make them think twice before doing something that they will regret later. Number two, practice what you preach- yes that good old saying. Really, don’t tell your children not to eat in their room, then go and have a cookie in your room. I know it seems silly, a cookie right. They are watching you and learning from you, even when you think they are not aware. Take it from me, preaching goes in one ear and out the other. They get sick of hearing you talk so much. A few words coupled with a hug is enough for your child to know you love them, and want the best for them. If you practice making good choices yourself, even when it’s so tempting not to- your kids will do the same.