Baxter and Lula bring love to the hearts of many, especially my sister. I had to venture into the world of pup photography, because I am an auntie to these two. Baxter and Lula are the cutest, and they belong to my sister and brother in-law. It takes some work to take care of them, but they are worth it. You can feel the love they bring with them wherever they go.
This photoshoot took place at my sister’s house last month or so. It took time and a few treats, but I was finally able to get some good shots! What do you think?
My only prop was this gorgeous retro chair that I’ve been adoring for so long. I tried asking if they wanted to give this chair away a few times this past year, but I didn’t stand a chance. I’m not giving up on this dreamy chair…maybe next time I hope. :))
I leave you with these cute pics of Baxter and Lula. You can also check out more pictures of them on their Instagram page here. Hope you enjoy them!
I am also linking up with Carmen of Shugar Love today! Her blog is very inspirational, and is spreading love one blog post at a time.