You may have seen my last post where I showed you my new favorite sneakers. If you didn’t these are it. Black and white with a touch of leopard. I’m wearing them with faux leather leggings and an oversized white shirt that I got from my sister for my birthday last week. I love her, she has great fashion sense. The greatest sister ever, who practically gave me a mini wardrobe for some more style post to come! Felt so special.
I love wearing sporty looks. Feels so good to be in comfortable shoes, and clothes. The sporty chic trend is the best! Heels with joggers, or sporty tops and sweatshirts look so cool. I did a little bit of that here, pairing my faux leather leggings with the t-shirt and sneakers. I usually wear them with booties, or heels. They look good either way.
After months and months of contemplating what design to choose for my blog I finally made up my mind. I am picky, picky, so picky when it comes to design. My photoshop teacher told me so. She said, “Just choose something or you will never be done! You’re a perfectionist.” I was a little perplexed by this because, I am the kind of person who tells others that life isn’t perfect. I just know what I like, and I’ll do my very best to get the best results. With that said, I am extremely happy with the design I chose! It fits me just right, minimalist style.
Hope I’ve inspired some of your style, and that you like the new look of the blog!
Photo Cred: Natily D.