Coming along 2016 heading towards the holidays in my current favorite jean dress! It’s been a good year I guess because I got to travel some, and left my old job to start a new journey in life. I wish I could say it’s been all peaches and cream, but it has taken some adjustment. Mainly because I’m working longer hours, but have a bit more flexability too. Sometimes I’m so tired I could barely stay awake to blog, and post. My studying has suffered a bit to. If you don’t know, I’m studying for my teacher’s entrance exam. I’ve had to postpone it twice already from lack of time to study. I’m making it a priority this month to schedule study time everyday. My next test is in less than a month! Wish me luck.
You can’t have it all, but you can make anything a good learning experience I believe.
Chasing dreams, reaching goals, learning, and helping others along the way make for a good life I think. How are you? Are you making any big changes in your lives lately? I love sharing my journey because we are all more connected then we may think. If we can talk to each other, share with one another, this will be a much better world for all of us.