Photography is one of my loves, as some of you may know. I’ve become really interested in the concept of capturing movement, space, and time. While shooting some pics this week with Natily, I decided to play around a bit with capturing this concept on film. I love how the images came out.
Natily is the best at going with my crazy, yet super fun ideas. A true friend indeed. She is so patient, and so good at taking direction. She got exactly what I was trying to capture! I wanted it to look like she was levitating in space. Doesn’t it look like that in the first two shots of her? Feels so good to have gotten the shots just right. Natily, you are the best!
She did so good at capturing my movement as well. I look like Supergirl flying through space…I think. I’m as happy as can be. Supergirl was one of my idols growing up. I used to wish I could fly, I used dream of it as a matter of fact. In my dreams it was such an incredible feeling, so hard to describe.
My Supergirl dreams growing up, combined with my ballerina dreams, gave me enough practice to jump as high as posible in these shots. Hey, if I can’t have super powers in real life, I’ll capture them on camera. Hope you enjoy these images as much as I do!