Yay! Time to take out my cozy knits and comfy skirts. Pssst…a little secret over here…skater skirts are my fave! Skirts period, but there is something I adore about this girly little thing. Skater dresses are also my go to for parties. The skater silohouette is comfortable, flirty, and fun. It makes me feel free, and strong when I wear it.
Today I’m sporting a warm navy knit sweater which I’ve been wearing out so much lately. The fit is amazing for me. It is just baggy enough, and the length is perfect. It keeps me warm, along with the many cups of hot cocoa I’ve been drinking lately. I’ve been trying to give up coffee for health reasons, so my new addiction is hot cocoa. I confess I gotta have it. :))
Stay warm out there!
Much Love,
Sweater-Gap//Skirt-Banana Lemon//Booties-Gap//Purse-Target//Sunglasses-Gift