While visiting my cousin in Oxnard this weekend, a fortunate thing happened. I discovered this marvelous mural and fell instantly in love. It took me by surprise, my heart skipped a beat, and I immediately knew I had to snap some pictures of it. Of course, I had to be one with it. So, my cousin quickly took her phone and began snapping away. I was not at all prepared with my own camera, so the pictures are not of the best quality. You know, I am not one for perfection. Art is not perfect, and neither is anyone. I love the pictures with all my heart, and so I share them with you now.
In the end, I love the effect of the pictures. They feel whimsical, and fun in a way. I also find that capturing natural spontanious pictures make for the best photography. Not taking yourself so seriously let’s your inner being shine through. So, I leave you now with my serendipity pictures, hoping that they inspire you to be spontanious, and just have fun!