…totally! When I got the news from Alyssa of Styleccentric Fashion that she had nominated me for this award, I was thrilled. Versatility is something that I use to describe myself when asked. I am also all over the place sometimes with so many things inspiring me at all times, haha! I appreciate the nomination so much Alyssa. Everyone please do visit Alyssa and say hello at Styleccentric Fashion!
7 Fun Facts About Me
1. I was born in El Salvador, moved to San Francisco California when I was 7yrs old.
2. I still love eating Lucky Charms cereal as an adult.
3. My favorite place in the world is the beach.
4. My first love in music as a teen was Hip Hop.
5. Love taking long walks or hiking, preferably near nature.
6. I love coffee and green juice (not at the same time) ;)) !
7. Currently addicted to shaved ice concoctions.
My Nominees
Rules for the Versatile Blogger Award
Thank the person who gave you this award, include a link to their blog.
Select 15 bloggers that you’ve recently discovered or follow regularly.
Nominate those 15 bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award.
Tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself.
Hope you have enjoyed reading my fun facts and you visit all the nominees! I’ll be away finally on a weekend getaway. :)) Follow my Instagram for some pics of my stay in Vegas! Lots and lots of Love to you.