Coming to the end of Summer now I feel happy that I’ve been keeping busy doing enjoyable things with my time. Spending time with friends and loved ones is just priceless, right? One of the things that I value most in this life besides my loved ones is time. Time is ticking and going, and the older I get the most precious it becomes to me. I live my life in this way, with the thought that I must do all that I can to leave a positive imprint in this world. Corny? Yeah I know, but that is my mindset. No matter how small that imprint is.
What inspires you everyday? What are some of the things you value most in life? I love reading your thoughts because they motivate me when my days are not the greatest. Let’s face it, life isn’t always peaches and cream, or rosy and palmy…there I go being silly. Really though share your thoughts please.
I leave you now with my favorite top at the moment. I’ve worn this top so much recently, I fear the color might start fading soon from washing it so much. Palms make me happy! If you don’t know, take a look at my Instagram, lol. These sandals from Banana Republic are currently in rotation in my wardrobe, I wear them everywhere. Of course I got them for an amazing price, 50% off. Gotta love them sales. :))
Thanks for reading everyone, and Happy vibes to you all!
P.S. I’m linking up with Pink Soul.