Hi wonderful people! I’m sharing some photo tips with you all. On my journey to becoming a better photographer. I’ve discovered a few things when it comes to getting that perfect shot. Planning and timing is everything. While you may get lucky once in a while and get some great shots by chance, it will pay off to be well prepared always. Here it goes…a list of my favorite tips to help you take some awesome pics!
1. Google is your friend! Yes, why? Well if you want to get the best kind of light, you have to make sure you know what time the sun will rise or set on your part of town. Which leads me to my number two tip.
2. Use “the golden hour”, which occurs one hour after sunrise or an hour before sunset. You will get that soft, gentle, not so bright kind of light. See this post here for more about “the golden hour.”
3. Get to your shooting location at least an hour ahead to allow yourself time to set up the shot. This is crucial because setting up the shot can take time and you don’t want to loose the good light while you’re doing that.
4. Adjust the light setting on your camera to the kind of light you are shooting under. Trust me it will make a difference in your pictures.
5. Have a spare SD card, and battery with you at all times. There have been multiple times where I have forgotten to place the SD card back in my camera. Next thing you know, I’m almost in tears because I’m either too far away to go buy one, or I am too late and risk loosing the natural light. Depending on how long you are shooting for, your battery may run out. Make sure you know how long it will last you or have a spare one on you to save the day.
6. Have Fun! Whether you are the photographer or the model, there is no point in doing it if you are not enjoying yourself.
If you are having an off day, fake it till you make it. :))
Hope you like my little tips, and I’ll be updating this list as I learn more. I shot these pics with my new SonyA7 using my Iphone as a remote. You may have seen one of these shots if you follow me on Instagram. Hope you like them because I used all the tips I shared with you on this post to achieve the shots. Enjoy, and have a great time shooting!