Cheers everyone! We are celebrating Independence Day in the U.S. this week. I have talked a bit about what that day means to me before in this post here. It’s special because I am extremely thankful to be a citizen of this country. As a woman and Latina I believe my life is much better because of many of the human rights that this country has. Although the state of our country as it stands right now seems to be divided or a better word for me would be confused by the double standards that we see being exercised by the political party in power at the moment. Everything that the United States stands for in our constitution is being twisted and distorted to benefit those in power. Rights such as, justice, domestic tranquility, and welfare seem to be undermined right now. Not to sound gloomy or disillusioned, but seriously can it get any worst?
Dress: Shein
To take my mind away from some of the harsh reality I get to the beach as much as I can. Enjoying with family and friends helps me gather my thoughts and think about what truly is important. Also, I have been known to attend protests to bring awareness to such causes as civil and human rights. The last one was this past weekend in Downtown Los Angeles. The march Families Belong Together was a protest lead by activists who serve the immigrant children and families that have been separated while entering the country seeking asylum. It’s a cause that breaks my heart when I think of the children and parents behind bars. Not only is it traumatic for them, but it’s completely against what this country stands for.
So this week in honor of our Independence Day I am taking this platform to bring awareness to the cause #familiesbelongtogether. I am including this link here to Together Rising. It is an organization that is funding lawyers helping parents and children get reunited. They have a complete guide to organizations and ways to help beyond giving financially. I am compelled to help in any way I can. I will also be providing links to organizations in my stories on Instagram. Hope you will read up on the cause and help in some way. I thank you from the bottom of my heart!
If at all possible, you can donate financially here.
Much Love,