Hi Everyone! It’s been a while since I have written one of these posts where I share some personal facts about me. I had forgotten how fun it is to get to know new bloggers. When Jenny of Street Madonna blog left a comment letting me know she had nominated me for the Mystery Blogger Award, a little smile came over my face. I actually shared 3 things about myself on Instagram that same day. Instagram was where I met Jenny and later asked her to create content together since we’re both in Los Angeles. We had the best time shooting in Downtown, and hope to do it again sometime. I love her street style so much and I’m sure you will too. So for you on the blog, here are 3 things that you may not know about me, and my answers to five questions Jenny asked me.
Three Facts About Me:
1. I practice photography on the side and sometimes get paid for it! Meaning I shoot parties, events, or friends and family.
2. I am crazy about Design and Art, and I actually took some classes to study both after graduating college. Really need to get back to doing more crafty stuff for sure!
3. Although I am in front of the camera for outfit pics, I am more interested in the overall feel for the picture. Things such as the place, location of where I’m shooting, the colors and style of clothing I’m wearing, and most of all the contrasting of me and the background.
My Q&A:
Jenny: Are you a full-time blogger living the dream, or do you have another day job?
Tania: After working in the Family Mental Health field as a Behavior Interventionist for nine years I became a professional nanny this year. I love my job because I still get to help kids and parents plus blog on the side without a stressful career to juggle. I blog part time!
Jenny: Who has been the most influential or inspirational person in your life?
Tania: The most influential person in my life has been my mother who taught me to be independent.
Jenny: If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would buy?
Tania: I would buy a home with a studio space for photography and art!
Jenny: What is your favorite way to spend Saturday night?
Tania: Chillin watching shows at my sister’s house.
Jenny: If you could have any famous person or celebrity follow you on IG, who would it be and why?
Tania: Definitely Oprah because she is wise and funny at the same time. :))
Wearing: Jeans- Trifted (Vintage Sears)// Top- Trifted// Sandals- Sam Edelman
3 of my best Posts
Rules I’m Following
Thank whoever nominated you and link their blog
Tell readers 3 things about yourself
Answer the questions the blogger gave to you
Nominate 10-20 people
Notify your nominees by commenting on their blog
Ask nominees 5 questions of your choice
Share links to your best post(s)
Here are my Nominees:
Questions For My Nominees:
What made you start a blog?
What do you enjoy most about blogging?
Name 3 blogs you followed before you started blogging?
Was there a particular blog that made you want to give blogging a chance?
How do you feel you have changed since you first started blogging?
Remember to also share 3 things you would like us to know about you.
Hope you like these fun facts and do check out the other bloggers I mentioned in the post. Thanks Jenny babe for nominating me!
Much Love,